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       A mountain scenic view which steals my heart,   A little stoke of breeze gives me goosebumps, Aesthetic views which are on my mind and are permanently fitted into my eye lens, Its quintessence is everlasting and mind-blowing, Gives me warm and fuzzy feelings whenever I get back to that moment My heart wants to live it once more, Sunrise full of energy  shimmer rays which give positivity every day to work hard and acquire something great, at the time of sunset, it gives the courage to say goodbye  to all the people who spread negativity and cause harm to others, giving everlasting impact on them, Clearwater streams in which I look myself I see a reflection of a pious soul which I was not aware of, This is true, nature is a pure soul in itself, Embrace the affection and the beauty that it has, as it sets a new example every day for us. Desperately looking for the owner who created such a masterpiece Want to know the roots of its existence and the reality of this stunning creativit

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